A new analysis of the bottlenecks between Hamburg and Oslo

Mar 24, 2021 | Report

Did you know that it is possible to reduce the travel time between Oslo and Hamburg to only 9 hours?


In a new analysis made by Ramboll and KombiConsult, we zoom in on the current and potential bottlenecks in the megaregion after the construction of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Removing these barriers is of crucial importance not only to the economy of Northern Europe, but Europe at large.

If the bottlenecks on the new Fehmarn Belt Route were removed, it would reduce the travel time between Oslo and Hamburg by 4 hours. A trip between these two cities would then only take 9 hours.

To achieve this goal, the necessary surrounding infrastructure projects must begin now so the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link does not become an isolated solution creating new bottlenecks in the STRINGcorridor. This is particularly the case in the Oresund Region and the stretch between Gothenburg and Oslo.

The recommendations in this report have the support of all STRING members who are united in our effort to secure a smooth, green and swift transportation of goods and people in our region.

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