Conditional extension of contracts for the Fehmarn Tunnel

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

Femern A / S has extended the temporary agreements with the construction consortium Fehmarn Link Contractors (FLC) who will carry out three of the four major plant centers on the Fehmarnbelt link between Lolland and Germany.

Femern A / S has extended its temporary agreement with the Fehmarn Link Contractors (FLC). The consortium will perform three of the four major plant centers on the Fehmarnbelt link, with a total budget of 52.6 billion. kr.

The supplementary agreement means that the conditional contracts have been extended for a year and now run until the end of 2020. The cost of extending the contracts with the contractors amounts to approximately 45 million Danish Crowns, the Danish Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing has stated.

The agreement has been fset out due to the German authority approval is taking longer than expected.

The latest delay was in the spring when Schleswig-Holstein Transport Minister Bernd Buchholz (FDP) announced that the building permit will not come until the end of 2018 and not this summer, as initially expected by the Danish side.

When the approval is granted, German tunnel opponents will subsequently seek a complaint with the Federal Administrative Court. Experts assess that this may take two years. Only after a court case can the final building permit be issued and construction can start.


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