A partnerhip from Germany, Denmark and Sweden have grouped up to present the third Fehmarnbelt Days free of charge for the participants.
Representatives from politics, economics, culture, science and research in the emerging Fehmarnbelt Region ranging from Northern Germany to Southern Sweden. All we be together for the Fehmarnbelt Days.
This years conference aims to establish the framework for creating opportunities to jointly use the dynamics of a developing transnational region, to find new ideas and solutions to future challenges.
One of the highlights is the joint opening ceremony followed by a senate reception hosted by the First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Olaf Scholz.
Political and administrative leaders from Germany, Denmark and Sweden will address the importance of the region as such and the context of the conference as a whole.
During the whole conference, a fair will also take place in the foyer of the HafenCity University.
Within a week, even more than 170 participants already have registered to participate in the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016.
This year the initiators expect approximately 1,000 participants. In recent Fehmarnbelt Days 2014 in Copenhagen more than 750 participants were registered.