German regulatory approval of four-lane motorway to the Fehmarnbelt tunnel

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

Schleswig-Holstein issues a regulatory approval milestone for the Fehmarnbelt link: the upgrade to a four lane motorway of the main road from Heiligenhafen to the ferry port in Puttgarden and the tunnel.

Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Transport, Reinhard Meyer, has announced that Roadworks and Traffic (LSV-SH) has issued plan approval for the upgrade of the 16.3 km stretch of road to a four lane motorway. The route runs between the end of the A1 motorway at Heiligenhafen to the upcoming Fehmarnbelt tunnel and the ferry port at Puttgarden.

– The authority has kept its word on delivering approval as early as this summer. It has also the created the basis for a future-proofed road link to Scandinavia, says Meyer.

The Federal Government has also pledged to finance the project.

– This means that we can begin construction work as soon as the approval is declared legally binding, said the Transport Minister.

According to Meyer, the Authority is in the process of preparing and issuing planning material so that the public can gain insight into the planning of the municipalities in a few weeks time.

– The regulatory approval for the road project, which began in 2011, is based on a judgment of the Federal Administrative Court, where in connection with the construction of a section of the A20 motorway at Bad Segeberg two amendments were made. This was carefully taken into account here and weighed against the relevant aspects of the current road project, according to Meyer.

He therefore believes that the regulatory approval will be confirmed after potential appeal proceedings before the court.

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