Great concern about the environment

Sep 29, 2019 | Cross-border Barriers

Survey shows a majority think the environment will be affected “to some extend” or more.

The environmental consequences of the construction of the Fixed Link are a major focus in the German debate, as they were in Denmark before the construction of the Great Belt Link and in Sweden before the construction of the Øresund Link.

The population in the three countries is, of course, concerned about this issue: between 33 and 41 per cent of the populations think that the environment will be affected “to some extent” (fig. 4.a). 22 per cent of Danes think that it will be “highly” or “very highly” affected, 16 per cent of Swedes have the same view along with 31 per cent of Germans. Between 15 and 25 per cent think that the environment will only be affected to a small extent by the link.

In Germany, there is no significant difference between the degree of concern in Schleswig-Holstein where 30 per cent are highly concerned and Hamburg with 32 per cent, whereas almost twice as many women are “highly” or “very highly” concerned than men, 40 per cent against 21. We see the same in both Denmark and Sweden where women are more concerned about the environment than men.

– It is only natural that at this stage of the project is a big concern for the environment. We have seen in the major infrastructure projects in Denmark and Sweden. But concerns have indeed shown themselves very much to be unfounded in the construction phase and the societal benefits of the projects have dominated after they are taken into operation, says Managing Director Jacob Vestergaard, STRING


Fig. 4.a: The environment is part of the discussion around the Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt. To what extent do you think the environment (flora, fauna around the link) will be affected?


Note: YouGov conducted this survey on behalf of STRING. The 806 interviews were conducted in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, 505 in Skåne and 505 in Zealand using the so-called CAWI-interview method between November 3rd and November 11th –  and thus before the new report of December 12th on a further delay in the planning procedure for FBFL. The survey was conducted via YouGov’s online-panel.

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