Notably E.ON has managed to secure several prestigious locations in Stockholm, including one in front of the Royal Palace. During spring GREAT has also rolled out the Drive Clean event concept, aiming at getting people behind the wheel of an EV. Combining seminars and public test drives to reach both big buyers and end users.
GREAT will be arranging the Midterm conference titled Let´s Act! – the future of alternative fuels in Cpenhagen on 8 June. A day of insight and inspiration as well as a project status report. Before summer GREAT will also take part in Danish Folkemødet to discuss sustainable heavy transports and Swedish Almedalen to discuss how to sell more fossil free cars. Both seminars will use the strength of the project to combine the private partners with public decision makers.
For more info about the GREAT project and upcoming activities, don’t forget to visit and subscribe to the GREAT News newsletter.