Let’s get the cross-border regional development started

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

The Chairman of STRING, Henrik Appel, is looking forward to the upcoming tunnel between Lolland and Germany, which will result in shorter travelling times and repayment schemes than first assumed. Appel believes that this can speed things up in creating the future for the STRING region between Hamburg and Öresund.


STRING supports the development of a cross-border European region. A region which, based on billions of kroners worth of investments in modern and sustainable infrastructure, attracts further investments in healthcare, cleantech, greentech and tourism sector. The STRING region already has strong competencies in these fields and we would like to gather these in order to be able to compete at a European and global level, says the Chairman of STRING and member of the Copenhagen City Council, Henrik Appel. He continues:

– These sectors will also attract a highly educated workforce and benefit the cooperation on innovation and research in the region. If we could also establish more multi lingual studies or courses which makes the students eligible to study in several of the regions schools and universities, that would be a crucial contribution to our regional integration. The young people of today are the STRING citizens of tomorrow, he underlines.

– The fixed Fehmarnbelt link and the adjacent modernisation of the rail and road infrastructure between Copenhagen, the Öresund region and Hamburg, is a prerequisite for regional growth, integration and jobs. The integration of the Copenhagen airport into this new infrastructure is crucial for its future competitiveness and status as the preferred HUB airport with several European and international departures, says Appel.

Movement on the German railroads

That is why it is additionally positive that the construction act concerning the establishment of the fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt is now being discussed on the background of the publication of updated financial analysis and traffic prognosis, published by Femern A/S on the 20th of November. The proposed construction act will be presented to Danish government in February 2015 – and according to Henrik Appel, there are no doubts that it will be passed by a majority.

– The political process in Denmark will have a positive effect on the German land planning and construction phase, the first which is happening right now. I would be very happy if the German side were able to complete both the planning and construction process ever faster than required by the State Treaty. STRING would ideally like to see the fixed link in full effect by 2021/22 – which is crucial to the growth agenda of the entire region, Appel concludes.


For further information on the analysis and prognosis, please follow the links below:




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