Thomas Becker will take over the role as Managing Director for STRING by June 1st. The STRING partners from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany welcome Thomas Becker and look forward to new common agendas on sustainble development and growth in the corridor from Oslo to Hamburg.
Mr. Thomas Becker is excited to be on board as Managing Director for the cross-border political network of 11 regions and cities from Hamburg in the south reaching towards Oslo in the north.He says:
“I am excited to join the team and partnerships of STRING. STRING is truly a forward-thinking cooperation at a time where infrastructure initiatives are key in developing growing and sustainable regions in Europe”.
“The political cross-border partnership is also the lynchpin of a green transition in this region. I will do my outmost to contribute to the strengthening of this transnational region”, Mr. Becker adds.
International climate change and sustainable development
By welcoming Thomas Becker as new Managing Director, STRING has secured a management with many years of extensive experience from both public, private and NGO arenas within green technologies and sustainable development. Thomas Becker has been highly involved in sustainable devlopment and climate change in both private companies, the Danish government, EU and the UN, including the prestegious Danish presidency of the COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009.
Chair of STRING, State Secretary for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Dr. Annette Tabbara, is pleased to welcome Thomas Becker to lead the STRING Secretariat:
“We see green growth as a very importantway of developing our societies and want to facilitate and promote green growth initiatives. With Mr. Thomas Becker as Managing Director, we are certain that STRING will be more than competent to reach these ambitions.”
Thomas Beckerreplaces Jacob Vestergaard who was STRING’s Managing Director from 2011 and who will retire at the end of May. Jacob Vestergaard has been a dedicated manager and seenthe organisation grow from 6 to 11 partners.