New network supporting the Fixed Link: Friends of Fehmnarnbelt

Sep 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

Friends of Fehmarnbelt is a brand new network comprising individuals involved in politics, business, academia, the public sector and the general public. The Friends have come together to to demonstrate support for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link and to promote the benefits that the improved infrastructure will bring about for the entire region, from Scandinavia to Northern Germany.

Prominent partners from Germany, Denmark and Sweden have pooled willpower and resources to bring new voices and perspectives to the Fehmarn project – an important project in the ScanMed Corridor. The network will provide a platform for knowledge sharing, community building and for promoting the many benefits of the Fixed Link and its emerging region.

Steen Bach Nielsen, Chairman for STRING is one of the new Friends and one of the initiators of the Friends of Fehmarnbelt:
“The Fehmarnbelt tunnel project will promote the sustainable development of the entire region. From an environmental perspective, it is also one of the most thoroughly researched construction projects in the world”.

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Active ambassadors

Together, the Friends of Fehmarnbelt – as ambassadors – will play a vital role in targeting the hundreds of stakeholders in Denmark, Sweden and Germany and encourage them to see the many merits of the Fehmarnbelt project.

Wolfgang Schmidt, State Councillor, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg states:
“The region including Scania, Copenhagen, Zealand, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg will grow closer together and develop even more dynamic with the fixed link of the Fehmarnbelt.”

The Friends of Fehmarnbelt network will be a web-based community. By providing news and information on the project – and not least by offering a forum for debate and for sharing ideas, the community aims to build up a critical mass of support.

“As a Friend of Fehmarnbelt I am convinced that the Fixed Link will connect Scania and Sweden closer to Europe – an interconnected railway system and faster travel times opens up for new partnerships and regional development”, says Mätta Ivarsson, Regional Councillor, Regional Development, Region Skåne, Swedish Green Party.



Partners behind the Friends of Fehmarnbelt are:

The Capital Region of Denmark, The City of Copenhagen, Femern A/S, Femern Belt Development, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Region Zealand, Region Skåne,  Schleswig-Holstein, STRING and is supported by The European Commission.

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