North Germans mostly positive or neutral towards the Fehmarnbelt Connection – only 14 percent are against

Sep 29, 2019 | Cross-border Barriers

43 percent of the inhabitants of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein remain neutral regarding the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, 34 percent are positive, while 14 percent are negative, according to a survey for STRING by research company YouGov. The survey was conducted before the latest announcement of a further delay of the German approval process.

Almost two-thirds (62%) of the population on Zealand outside the metropolitan area are positive towards the Fehmarnbelt project, which will be implemented between Rødby and Puttgarden over the coming years.

Combined with the metropolitan area, 54% of the population on Zealand are positive towards the project whereas 11% declare themselves negative and 27% neutral.

In Skåne, 48% of the population are positive, 2% are negative and 30% neutral.

It is noteworthy, that the proportion of citizens in Northern Germany and Zealand who have negative views on the fixed link, are at the same modest level: 14% negative in Northern Germany and 11% in Zealand.



Denmark and Germany have signed a treaty to establish a fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt. What is your general attitude to this project?

  Zealand                             Skåne                       N. Germany

Positive 54 48 34
Negative 11 2 14
Neutral 27 30 43
Don’t know 9 20 9


STRING: Better than assumed, but need for information

The Chairman of STRING, Steen Bach Nielsen, Region Zealand, points out that the opposition is not greater in Northern Germany:

– Bearing in mind the massive campaigns that the environmental organisations and the shipping company, Scandlines, have implemented and funded against the link, the result is striking. Only 14% have declared themselves negative. Judging from the media coverage, you would think that the figure was far higher, says Steen Bach Nielsen.

– In Northern Germany, 43% of voters are neutral about the project. This means that we need to explain that the Fehmarnbelt project offers significant benefits for every single citizen in the STRING area. Our economy will be stimulated, there will be more jobs and the environment will benefit. All of us who have a responsibility in this matter should go out and speak a lot more about it, says Steen Bach Nielsen.

The figures shown are from a new survey by research company YouGov conducted for STRING in Skåne, Zealand and the two German Länder, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg: The geographical area that covers the STRING cooperation.

806 so-called CAWI interviews hav been conducted with people aged 18 years and older residing in Northern Germany, 505 interviews in Skåne and 505 in Zealand. The survey was conducted from 3 to 11 November 2016.

Among voters in Zealand, there is a majority for the Fehmarnbelt fixed link in all parties, apart from Alternativet (The Alternative).

In Skåne,  Miljöpartiet’s (The Green Party) voters are most positive at 71%.

In Germany, individuals living in Schleswig-Holstein are most positive at 36% while 32% of inhabitants in Hamburg are positive. Politically, CDU voters are the most positive at 49% while “Die Grünen” (The Greens) have 33% positive and 16% negative.

Great Belt and Öresund: The majority is positive

YouGov also asked voters on Zealand and in Skåne about their attitude to the Great Belt and Øresund fixed links which opened in 1998 and 2000 respectively:

83% of voters on Zealand are positive about the Great Belt fixed link – and 4% are negative.

77% of Zealanders are positive about the Øresund fixed ink and 2% are negative. In Skåne, 78% are positive about the Øresund Fixed Link while 5% are negative.

– It’s also important to say that opposition to the Great Belt Bridge and the Øresund Bridge in Denmark and Sweden was significantly greater at the time compared to the current opposition against the Fehmarnbelt link in Northern Germany, says Steen Bach Nielsen.


The Great Belt fixed link opened in 1998. What is your general attitude to the Fixed Link across the Great Belt?



The Øresund Bridge opened in 2000. What is your general attitude towards the Fixed Link across Øresund?



Note: YouGov conducted this survey on behalf of STRING. The 806 interviews were conducted in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, 505 in Skåne and 505 in Zealand using the so-called CAWI-interview method between November 3rd and November 11th –  and thus before the new report of December 12th on a further delay in the planning procedure for FBFL. The survey was conducted via YouGov’s online-panel.

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