Northern visits from an EU Coordinator

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

Coordinator for the Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN-T core Network Corridor, Mr. Pat Cox, has had quite a few visits in the “northern end” of the corridor this spring, counting amongst others Helsinki, Malmö and even Sorø.

Video interview with Pat Cox

The reason for this focus is naturally the many important decisions regarding one of the most vital bottlenecks of the Scan-Med Corridor, the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link. Some of the most important being the Danish Parliament passing the construction law, the German authorities opening public hearing for protesting parties with concerns. And, of course, most recently the EU Commission deciding on the financial support for the construction cost from 2016 to 2019.

STRING was lucky to ask Pat Cox about the importance of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link. Watch our video interview here!

Mr. Cox also talks on corridors as networks instead of patchworks and the important work done by cross regional organisations and cooperations, like the STRING Network.

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