The Schleswig-Holsteiner’s resistance against the Fehmarn project is not so pronounced and unambiguous as has been suggested by the opponents themselves – and often by local and regional media.
A majority of citizens in Schleswig-Holstein do in fact have a positive view on a Fehmarn connection. This is the result of a recent survey by the renowned German research institute FORSA for newspapers Kieler Nachrichten and Lübecker Nachrichten.
51 percent of respondents are in favor of the Fehmarn-connection, while 34 percent are opposed, according to the study. It is particularly the 30 to 44 year olds who welcome the large-scale project.
The result of the survey was published on April 24th. 1,000 people spread throughout Schleswig-Holstein have been asked. The statistical margin of error is of +/- 3 percent.
Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Transport, Reinhard Meyer, sees the poll as a confirmation of the state government Fehmarn policy:
– The opinion poll gives the silent majority a voice. And we need the connection, he says to the newspaper Kieler Nachrichten.
Opponents of the tunnel now say that the Fehmarn project is not decided by opinion polls, but by the German courts.
More details as pro or contra according to party affiliation can see here (only German)
About the methodology of FORSA study more information here (only German)