Poltical agreement on Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

Green light for contract negotiations with development consortia. In the beginning of March, the conciliation parties in the Danish Parliament gave Femern A/S the green light to enter concrete negotiations for the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link. Now all eyes are fixed on a sign for the signing of the contracts – the signing is expected to happen in the beginning of May.

The conciliation parties’ decision has given rise to comments from STRING Chairman Thomas Hansson (Miljöpartiet), Region Skåne Regional Council Chairman and Vice-President of STRING, Jens Stenbæk (Venstre) and Minister of European Affairs Anke Spoorendonk (SSW/Südschleswigscher Wählerverband), the state government of Schleswig-Holstein. The Minister is also a member of STRING political leadership Political Forum.

– STRING welcomes the fact that the Danish settlement parties behind the Fehmarn project has now given the green light to enter into contract negotiations with the construction consortia. This helps provide reassurance about the project, and we can target on working to ensure the positive effects of the fixed link, it stated.

Also, Justice, Culture and European Affairs Anke Spoorendonk (SSW), Schleswig-Holstein, who is also a member of STRING Policy Forum, is pleased and states:

– We welcome the Danish decision in relation to the bidding process welcome. The fact that Denmark firmly stands behind the tunnel project is very positive. In Schleswig-Holstein regulatory approval process for the portion of the tunnel that will be located on German territory, Is running at full speed, she says.

The Land of Schleswig-Holstein is responsible for the German approval process by German law.

Advantages for citizens, business, transport and the environment

Thomas Hansson and Jens Stenbæk continue:

– The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link will be an engine for growth, innovation and job creation. Construction of the tunnel will provide 55,000 jobs in Fehmarn region. For years, the tunnel will create global interest and bring together highly qualified employees and innovative companies throughout the region.

– It will strengthen Copenhagen’s international airport as the region’s important hub between Scandinavia and Northern Europe – and global turntable for the benefit of business and tourism, Thomas Hansson and Jens Stenbæk say.

– In addition, the connection will facilitate the linking of the planned Swedish high-speed rail network to the rail network in Denmark, Germany and on through Europe to the Mediterranean. It is also our opinion that the Fixed Link will lead to significant environmental improvement in the transport sector. Emission heavy transportation will be replaced by a more competitive electrified railway between Scandinavia and Central Europe across the Fehmarn Link. Thus, the connection also contributes to a more climate-friendly development in Northern Europe.

– STRING obviously regrets the delay of the Fehmarn project as a result of the German approval process. But we are positive that the German and Danish transport minister’s latest statements continue to stand firmly behind the establishment of the Fehmarn Fixed Connection. It is now of utmost importance that the construction process will start as soon as possible so that we can benefit from the growth potential inherent in the construction process, Thomas Hansson and Jens Stenbæk emphasize.

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