Sharing Copenhagen: the world’s longest parade of electric cars to cross the Öresund

Sep 29, 2019 | Green Investment Hub

A motorcade of electric cars from Malmö to Copenhagen over the Öresund Bridge: As part of ‘Sharing Copenhagen/Copenhagen European Green Capital 2014’, 130 electric cars from the entire Öresund region will cross the Öresund Bridge Sunday the 21st of September.

Over 130 electric cars from the entire Öresund region and Norway are set to meet in Malmö in the afternoon to form a motorcade crossing the Öresund Bridge aiming for Field’s shopping centre on the Danish side as their destination.

The event is part of the ‘Sharing Copenhagen/Copenhagen European Green Capital 2014’ , which this week will focus on green and sustainable transport. The idea to create an ‘Eco-Friendly Highway’ between the Öresund region and Hamburg is here also on the agenda. This eco-friendly highway will make it possible to travel by car, bus and lorry, using only sustainable and alternative fuels.

The long motorcade is also aiming to beat a four-year old Guiness world record, an would in order to do so need 101 or more electric cars to break the current world record for ‘Most electric cars in a parade’. This record was set in Japan in 2010, where 100 cars participated.

Political participation with a green focus

The vice Chair of Copenhagen City Council, Lars Weiss (S) and Jakob Haugaard, vice Chair of Copenhagen City Councils Department for Engineering and Environmental Affairs, will participate.

– This initiative is an amazing way to display our efforts when it comes to creating and developing green transport solutions in the region between the Öresund and Hamburg. It also highlights the need to develop a coherent sustainable transport, where we can freely access alternative fuels on both sides of the Öresund and the Fehmarnbelt respectively, says Lars Weiss.

– We need people to discover the electric car, as it minimised both levels of noise and air pollution. Before the summer, there were 400 registered electric cars in Copenhagen, out of 160.000 registered cars overall, which makes a percentage of 0,25. That is too low, says Jakob Hougaard, who drives a Nissan Leaf himself.

One of the events instigators, Jakob Fuglsang adds:

– We hope that more and more electric car drivers join the event so that we can demonstrate that Copenhagen and the Öresund region are leading when it comes to green initiatives. The development is happening fast, and electric cars are now so fast, safe and nice to look at, that they can satisfy our daily driving needs. We are also facing a huge challenge  when it comes to improving the air and noise quality of our cities, and electric cars are part of that solution. This event will show that Copenhagen and the Capital Region are leading this development.

The event is amongst others being supported by the City of Copenhagen, the Capital Region of Denmark, the City of Malmö, the Öresund Bridge, E-ON, Clean Charge and Clever, alongside a range of electric car producers and organisations in both Denmark, Sweden and Norway

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