Solid support for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

New survey among Germans, Danes, Swedes and Norwegians closest to the Fehmarnbelt shows solid support for the Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt.

In Denmark, 61 percent of the population on Zealand, outside the Capital area of Copenhagen, are positive towards the Link while only 8 percent are negative.

In Germany, 39 percent of the population in Schleswig-Holstein are positive and 15 percent are negative. One percent higher on the positive side and one percent lower on the negative side compared to the survey from 2017 – i.e. the same result.

In Sweden, 43 percent of the population of Region Skåne are positive and only 3 percent are negative towards the link.

This is the result of a survey conducted by the YouGov Institute on behalf of STRING.



Source: YouGov on-line (CAWI) survey conducted in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, Zealand (incl. Copenhagen) in Denmark, Region Skåne, Halland and Västra Götaland in Sweden and Østfold and Akershus Fylker in Norway. Data was collected in the period April 23rd – May 1st 2018. The respondents were aged 18+.

Positive Danes
Looking at the total results, the Danes are the most positive towards the Fixed Link: a total of 50 percent of the population on all Zealand are positive, only 11 percent are negative and 30 percent undecided.

In all regions on the west coast of Sweden, 37 are positive, 3 percent are negative and 34 percent are undecided.

In Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, the combined total shows that 36 percent are positive, only 13 percent are negative and as many as 43 percent are undecided.

In eastern Norway 28 percent are positive, 3 percent are negative and 28 percent are neutral – and as many as 42 percent do not know.

“The figures shows a sustainable support for the Fixed Link close to the Fehmarnbelt where it has been discussed the most. However, the inauguration is many years ahead and the construction has not yet started for real. Therefore, many people are undecided”, says Managing Director Jacob Vestergaard of STRING, and continues:
“The closer the Link gets to realization – and even more so after the inauguration when in real utilization – the more popular the Link will be. Looking at the support for The Great Belt and the Øresund Bridges today, 20 years after the opening of The Great Belt Bridge and 18 years after Øresund, the real benefits are obvious and the support significant.”

Vestergaard is referring to fresh figures from the same YouGov survey:

83 percent of the population on Zealand are positive towards the Great Belt Bridge, 3 percent are negative and 12 percent are neutral.

Regarding Øresund, 78 percent of the population on Zealand are positive 3 percent are negative and 15 percent neutral.

In Western Sweden 77 percent of the population are positive towards the Øresund Bridge, 5 percent are negative and 15 percent are neutral.


About the survey:

The survey was conducted in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, Zealand including Copenhagen in Denmark, Region Skåne, Halland and Västra Götaland in Sweden and Østfold and Akershus Counties in Norway. Data was collected in the period April 23rd – May 1st 2018. The respondents were aged 18+. All interviews were collected on-line (CAWI) and the results have been weighed against the total population in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway and are as such representative for the mentioned regions.

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