STRING behind trilateral top meeting in Berlin

Sep 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

On Wednesday the 25th of March, the Chairman of STRING, Henrik Appel, and the Danish Ambassador to Germany, Per Poulsen-Hansen, will host a Swedish-Danish-German Parliamentarian Evening at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin. On the agenda -the establishment of the fixed link across the Fehmarn Belt.

With the construction law currently being discussed in the Danish Parliament, and the German announcement of delays to the railway systems, the debate on the fixed link across Fehmarn belt has reached new heights in both countries. The latest development is that German protesters opposing the project have called for a renegotiation of the 2008 State Treaty – again.

These developments set the framework for the trilateral meeting being arranged by STRING and the Danish Embassy in Berlin.

The event offers politicians and business representatives from Sweden, Germany and Denmark the opportunity to voice their opinions and thoughts on the project itself. The event will however also focus on the effects that the tunnel is likely to have for the region between Hamburg and Copenhagen/Malmö, following the inauguration, now possibly rescheduled to 2024. The Parliamentarian Evening also invites to a discussion with and between members of the German Parliament – including those more sceptical of the Fixed Link.

Business and politics

The event will be introduced by short position statements byMagnus Heunicke, Danish Minister for Transport, Enak Ferlemann, German Parliamentarian State Secretary from the Federal Ministry, Erik Bromander, State Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Infrastructure, Torsten Albig, Minister President for Schleswig-Holstein, Pat Cox, European Coordinator for the ScanMed Corridor,Michael Svane, Director of the Confederation of Danish Industry and the Vice Chair of the Fehmarn Belt Business Council, and also Henrik Apppel, Chairman of STRING and member of the Copenhagen City Council.

The event is also gearing up to welcome representatives from the national parliaments and parliamentarian committees in all three countries, local and regional politicians from the entire STRING region, as well as guests from the business-, infrastructure and research sector, in the audience.

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