STRING Members push for Inclusion of Oslo-Gothenburg Railway Improvement in Norway’s 2025-2036 Transport Plan

Feb 2, 2024 | Infrastructure

The Municipality of Oslo, Akershus County Council, Østfold County Council, and STRING has collectively sent a position paper to the Norwegian Transport Ministry to push for an incorporation of financing of the Oslo-Gothenburg railway in the National Transport Plan for 2025-2036. This request is supported by a comprehensive feasibility study conducted by the Swedish Transport Administration and the Norwegian Railway Directorate, published October 2023, showcasing significant economic, environmental, and strategic advantages.

The proposed Freight Concept, emphasizing longer and faster freight trains in addition to more regional trains, aims to manage the anticipated increase in transport volumes—up to 20% by rail and 120% by road by 2029, following the opening of the Fehmarn Belt Tunnel between Denmark and Germany. This initiative is critical for enhancing Norway’s primary import and export channels to Europe, aiming to support a 50% increase in exports by 2030.

Upgrading the Oslo-Gothenburg railway is vital for reducing the carbon emissions in the transport sector, and strengthening trade and military cooperation within Scandinavia and the broader European context, especially in light of NATO’s expansion and the requirements for infrastructure that supports the rapid movement of heavy equipment.

The letter to the Ministry emphasizes the expansion’s urgency for boosting regional transport infrastructure, driving economic growth, fulfilling environmental targets, and enhancing defense capabilities, urging its prioritization in Norway’s forthcoming transport plan. Read the position paper in Norwegian here:

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