Sweden and Norway on-board for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel

Sep 29, 2019 | Infrastrukture

With the EU to finally confirm the level of financial support for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link on July 10th, the Swedish and Norwegian Transport Ministers are united in their strong support for this massive infrastructure project. The agreement stems from a common desire to create closer ties between northern Europe and the Continent – which both Ministers believe is the basis for growth, business, improved transport and integration. The Swedish Transport Minister sees a clear need for the EU to support and prioritise the project.

In the lead up to the EU decision on financial contribution for European infrastructure projects, of which the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link, together with the Brenner Basis Tunnel, is one of the largest by far, the Norwegian and Swedish governments have been clear about their unconditional support for the project.

Norwegian Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FrP) commented to STRING:

“We’re extremely positive about a fixed link across Fehmarnbelt. It will be of real benefit to Norwegian businesses as it will make other European markets so much more accessible.

“The establishment of the tunnel will also mean a reduction in the distance between Germany and the Nordic countries of around 160 kilometres for both road and rail. We can expect a more efficient road and rail system as a result of the potential construction.”

EU support is key

Swedish Transport Minister Anna Johansson (S) has also given the project her wholehearted support.

“A fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt will strengthen Sweden’s ties with continental Europe. Roughly two thirds of all Swedish exports are destined for the EU market, with Germany being one of its largest trading partners,” Johansson told STRING.

“The Swedish government supports the transition to a more sustainable transport system, and we believe the railway connection under the Fehmarnbelt to be an important first step towards strengthening the competitiveness of the rail sector, especially when it comes to freight traffic.

“The Öresund region and northern Germany are important areas for growth, and the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link will increase the potential for commuting and tourism in the region.  I really do welcome the benefits that a fixed link will bring, and see a real need for the EU to support and prioritise this project.”

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