62 per cent of the people living on Zealand believe that the Danish economy will benefit from the link, 37 per cent of the people in Skåne believe that the Swedish economy will benefit and 48 per cent of the North Germans believe that the German economy will benefit. However 56 per cent of the Swedes and 53 per cent of the Germans think that the Danish economy will benefit from the link.
The Fixed Link will improve trade between Scandinavia and Germany say 64 per cent of the people on Zealand, 55 per cent in Skåne and 54 per cent in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg .
To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statement: The Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt will improve trade between Scandinavia and Germany?
When it comes to tourism – which is obviously dependent on accessibility and mobility – it is once again emphasized that the link will benefit the industry, in Denmark and Germany to a higher degree. 67 per cent of Danes believe that the link will benefit tourism in Denmark (fig. a), 54 per cent of Germans think that this is the case in Germany (fig. b) whereas 46 per cent of Swedes think that the link will affect tourism positively in Sweden (fig. c). However, 60 per cent of both the Swedes and the Germans believe that tourism in Denmark will benefit from the link.
Fig. a: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statement: The Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt will benefit tourism in Denmark?
Fig. b: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statement: The Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt will benefit tourism in Germany?
Fig c: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statement: The Fixed Link across the Fehmarnbelt will benefit tourism in Sweden?
Jobs and competiveness: Denmark is in the lead
Regarding questions about job creation and improved competitiveness, both Swedes and Germans points at Denmark as the big winner again:
When it comes to job creation, Denmark is again considered a winner. An average of 47 per cent the sample in the three countries believe that the Fixed Link will lead to more jobs in Denmark, compared to 41 per cent who believe that this is the case in Germany and 29 per cent believe this is the case in Sweden .
When it comes to improved competitiveness as a consequence of the Fehmarnbelt Link, 45 – 47 per cent of the sample in all three countries believe that Denmark´s competitiveness will be improved as a consequence of the link. Between 36 and 40 per cent think that this will happen in Germany. For Sweden, between 28 and 41 per cent believe there will be improved competitiveness, resulting in Sweden as the country most sceptical of its own prospects.
Note: YouGov conducted this survey on behalf of STRING. The 806 interviews were conducted in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, 505 in Skåne and 505 in Zealand using the so-called CAWI-interview method between November 3rd and November 11th – and thus before the new report of December 12th on a further delay in the planning procedure for FBFL. The survey was conducted via YouGov’s online-panel.