Photo: Öresund Media Platform
Were it up to the STRING politicians, the planning of future railway services in the STRING region should start already in 2014.
The STRING politicians have a vision that the travel time between Copenhagen and Hamburg via train should not take more than 2, 5 hours -tops. In order to create a functioning region between Copenhagen and Hamburg, creating new synergies for the entire region, a more coherent railway system is needed. This could amongst other things increase the customer base of both Hamburg and Copenhagen airport significantly.
On this basis, the STRING politicians would like to see the Swedish, Danish and German governments and railway operators initiating proposals to start planning for a common railway system. This must be ready to serve citizens as well as business in the entire region once the fixed Fehmarnbelt link is inaugurated in 2021.
The suggestion to start planning for the future of railway solutions for both passenger and freight transport as soon as 2014 was presented and approved at a STRING political meeting in Brussels on the 27th of November 2013.
-Trying to create a user-friendly railway system in collaboration with three countries and a large amount of railway operators is a complicated puzzle to solve. That makes it even more important to start this process as soon as 2014, says the Chairwoman of STRING and Minister for Justice, Culture and European Affairs for Schleswig-Holstein,Anke Spoorenonk.
She refers to the fact that STRING also want to promote green and sustainable growth in the region, and stresses that the railway is in this context crucial for the development of green transport.